Thursday, August 23, 2012

Watch Out Republicans.. Here Comes Isaac!

So.. as a native Floridian, I was sick to my stomach that I found out the RNC convention is going to be held in Tampa. With the 2000 elections, Rick Scott, Allen West, and losing Alan Greyspan, this was just the icing on the cake to make my state look completely and utterly dysfunctional.

This isn't to say that I dislike all Republicans; just most. I felt Jeb Bush did a good job as Governor. I really supported his stance on education. While I disagreed with his FCAT policy, he did succeed in creating some amazing charter schools. His policy on preventing federal drilling for oil off the coast and protecting the Everglades made me proud to be a Floridian.

I voted for Charlie Crist for Senate. For the first time in my life, I was torn between voting for someone other than the Democrat on the ticket. However, I felt Crist could accomplish more and would stand up for gay rights in the state.

But the rest of the Republican slime in the state? Allen West is so disliked in Florida, his own state party redrew him out of his district so he would lose. And Rick Scott.. the Defrauder-in-Chief now boasts the title of Governor of the largest Medicare recipient state. And to top it off, since he has been Governor, 126 Florida Panthers have died because of his deregulation of the Everglades to create a highway interchange to nowhere.

Now, we are going to have Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Rick "Butt Juice" Santorum, and the rest of the crazies all in one place. I know this may sound incredible, but they make George Bush and his era of Republicans look positively intelligent. I mean, I understood why the "Dubya" Republicans did the things they did, I just vehemently opposed their ideas. This decade's Republican party is just batshit insane.

Well, I feel a great sense of irony in the oncoming storm that is Isaac. The very day of the convention, a hurricane comes barreling in when we haven't had one since Wilma. Poetic justice, huh?

Remember when Jerry Falwell said that 9/11 happened because of the sodomizers and the abortionists and the feminists and the gays? Well, from the mouth of Rev. JR Silvey...

"This looming hurricane is a sign to the conservatives, the white supremacists and the racists, the gay-bashers and the gun-owners that Mother Earth is pissed off at you."

Give 'em hell, Isaac.
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